Marco Dalla Pria
PhD student in Modeling and Data Science
University of Turin, Italy
Department of Economics, Social Studies, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ESOMAS)
Corso Unione Sovietica, 218 bis
Torino - Italy[email protected]
I'm Marco Dalla Pria, a third year PhD student in Modeling and Data Science in Turin, Italy.
I carry out my research activities under the supervision of prof. Matteo Ruggiero and prof. Dario Spanò; we're currently working on duality methods in Bayesian inference for hidden Markov models.
Research Interests
Nonparametric Bayesian Statistics
Combinatorial Stochastic Processes
Fragmentation-Coalescence Models
Dalla Pria M. and Montagna S., "The Hierarchical Beta-Bernoulli Process as Out-of-Scope Query Detector", in Book of Short Papers, SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation. Pearson, 2023, ISBN 9788891935618AAVV, 560-565.
Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero, M., Spanò, D., "Exact sampling of two coagulated partitions", in Methodological and Applied Statistics and Demography I - SIS 2024, Short Papers, Plenary and Specialized Sessions. Springer Cham, 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-64346-0
Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero, M., Spanò, D., "A Metropolis-Hastings for sampling coagulated partitions", in New Trends in Bayesian Statistics - Collection of proceedings from BAYSM 2023 and contributions from j-ISBA members
In preparation
Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero M., Spanò D., "Optimal Filtering and Smoothing for 2-par. Poisson-Dirichlet Diffusions"
Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero M., Spanò D., "2-par. Poisson-Dirichlet Posterior given Multiple Partitions and the Multipartite Matching Problem."
Personal Interests
I grown up in Jesolo, a small town near Venice, in North Italy.
My passion for music led me to learn to play electric bass and guitar, to learn the basics of music production, mixing and mastering, and eventually to record two studio albums with my bands.
During my studies in Milan I had the occasion to cultivate my passion in the college radio as host and director of radio programming.
PhD in Modeling and Data Science - Turin (ongoing)
M.Sc. in Stochastics and Data Science - Turin (2022)
B.S. in Statistics and Economics - Milan (2019)
Contributed talks
Exact Sampling of Two Coagulated Partitions @ 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Bari (Italy). June 17-20, 2024
The Hiererchical Beta-Bernoulli Process as Out-of-Scope Query Detector @ SIS 2023 - Statistical Learning, Sustainability and Impact Evaluation. Ancona (Italy). June 21-23, 2023
Inference in Petrov's Diffusion @ Turin-Bath PhD Workshop in Applied Probability and Statistics. Turin (Italy). June 19-21, 2023.
Poster sessions
Filtering 2-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet Diffusions @ 2024 ISBA World Meeting. Venice (Italy). July 1-7, 2024.
A Metropolis-Hastings for Coagulated Partitions @ BAYSM 2024. Venice (Italy). June 29-30, 2024.
Other activities
Teaching Assistant in Statistical Inference @ University of Turin (Italy), Sep-Dec 2024
Visiting @ University of Warwick (UK), Feb-May 2024
Teaching Assistant in Statistical Inference @ University of Turin (Italy), Sep-Dec 2023